
Winyah Rivers Alliance is grateful for the opportunity to partner with others whose vision is for clean water and healthy communities.

We are grateful for all our partners and have highlighted some of these partnerships below.

Additionally, we would like to highlight our partner Elliott, Phelan & Kunz, LLC, a full service law firm located in historic Georgetown, South Carolina. The attorneys at Elliott Phelan Law Firm have supported many of our nonprofit events and for that we are truly grateful!

WATERKEEPER® ALLIANCE – Our RIVERKEEPER® programs are licensed through WATERKEEPER® ALLIANCE, connecting local Waterkeeper groups worldwide to preserve and protect clean water. A Waterkeeper’s job is to advocate compliance with environmental laws, respond to citizen complaints, identify problems which affect the water body and devise appropriate remedies, educate the public and advocate for the public’s right to protect and defend clean water and the environment.

WATERKEEPERS® CAROLINA – A science-based, environmental advocacy group of Waterkeepers in the Carolinas, to protect our waterways, safeguard drinking water supplies, and to sustain recreational water resources. Winyah Rivers Alliance’s Riverkeepers collaborate with other members of Waterkeepers Carolina on projects with goals that are relevant to all of us in the Carolinas and beyond.

TOGETHER SC – Serving the thousands of South Carolinians dedicated to community service, leadership, and caring through nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. Together SC provides Winyah Rivers Alliance with access to a myriad of services and opportunities to connect with other nonprofits serving South Carolina.

1% FOR THE PLANET – A global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through memberships and everyday actions. Winyah Rivers Alliance is proud to be an environmental partner with members who have committed to giving 1% of gross sales annually to help solve our most pressing environmental issues.

Elliott, Phelan & Kunz, LLC – A full service law firm located in historic Georgetown, South Carolina. The attorneys at Elliott Phelan Law Firm have supported many of our nonprofit events and for that we are truly grateful!

Our Many Funders – Winyah Rivers Alliance is grateful for the funding support of a number of foundations that financially support our mission and our programs. These foundations are identified below.


We work collaboratively with many other partners, including nonprofit partners like Open Space Institute and Pee Dee Land Trust, governmental partners like the National Park Service and Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments, and partnership collaborations like the Black Scenic River Advisory Council and our Rocky Point Community Forest Steering Committee and Friends of Rocky Point.

We are also appreciative of our business partners who sponsor our events and help us make connections between their clients/customers and our nonprofit goals/objectives. One of our business partners is Elliott, Phelan & Kunz, LLC, a full service law firm located in historic Georgetown, South Carolina. The attorneys at Elliott Phelan Law Firm have supported us in many ways and for that we are truly grateful!

We value all of our partners and invite others to partner with us to protect, preserve, monitor and revitalize the health of the lands and waters of the greater Winyah Bay watershed.

Winyah Rivers Alliance

P.O. Box 554
Conway, SC 29528
843 .349 .4007

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Copyright 2024 Winyah Rivers Alliance

website design by: THREE RING FOCUS