We want to know about water pollution issues that you witness or become aware of so that we can investigate and follow-up to resolve them.
You can report pollution to us a number of ways…
Call our office at 843-349-4007
Email our office at winyahrivers@winyahrivers.org
Specific to the Waccamaw River watershed, contact our Waccamaw Riverkeeper, Preston Kelly, by telephone at (843) 309-6385 or by email at Riverkeeper@winyahrivers.org.
Specific to the Lumber River watershed, contact our Lumber Riverkeeper, Jeff Currie, by telephone at (252) 419-2565 or by email at LumberRK@winyahrivers.org.
Specific to the Black River and Sampit River watersheds, contact our Black-Sampit Riverkeeper, Erin Donmoyer, by telephone at 907-301-3687 or by email at BlackSampitRK@winyahrivers.org.
Specific to the Lynches River, Great Pee Dee River and Little Pee Dee River watersheds, contact our Pee Dee/Lynches Rivers Project Coordinator, Dylan Coleman, by telephone at (843) 289-0620 or by email at peedeelycnchespc@winyahrivers.org.
For general information, please contact our Executive Director, Debra Buffkin, by telephone at (843) 340-0163 or by email at ExecutiveDirector@dwinyahrivers.org.
Together, we can ensure drinkable, fishable, swimmable water for all of our communities!
P.O. Box 554
Conway, SC 29528
843 .349 .4007
Copyright 2025 Winyah Rivers Alliance
website design by: THREE RING FOCUS