Upper Waccamaw Task Force

Our mission is to partner with key stakeholders to lead conservation, protection, and restoration to benefit the resources, communities, and ecosystem services of the upper Waccamaw River.

Overview of the task force

The Upper Waccamaw Task Force is a collaboration of conservation organizations and local governments focused on identifying and protecting land parcels that have high conservation values and lead to landscape-scale land preservation and stewardship. The task force originally formed in 2009 as part of the effort to establish the Waccamaw River Blue Trail, a paddle route of about 100 miles stretching from the North Carolina line to Winyah Bay, and has met regularly since then to coordinate land protection efforts in the SC portion of the Waccamaw River watershed. The task force objectives include expanding recreational access, sustaining the rich ecological heritage of the area, and, as a result of multiple years of severe weather, now focuses on reducing problematic flooding in the area.

Task Force Members




American Rivers works to create a future of clean water and healthy rivers everywhere, for everyone.


Audubon South Carolina protects birds and the places they need, right here in South Carolina. We’re the state office of the National Audubon Society, with one million members and a century-long track record of success. Today, more than one-third of North America’s bird species are at risk of extinction unless we take significant conservation action. Habitat loss is a big challenge for birds. So is climate change. The good news is that when we protect South Carolina’s birds from these threats, we automatically protect our state’s ecosystems, clean air and water, our $20 billion tourism economy, and the one in ten South Carolinians who depend on tourism for their prosperity.



With your help, we work to protect the natural landscapes, abundant wildlife, clean water, and quality of life here in South Carolina.


The Carolina Wetlands Association promotes the understanding, protection, restoration, and enjoyment of North and South Carolina’s wetlands and associated ecosystems through science-based programs, education, and advocacy.


Conservation Voters of South Carolina

Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.


Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation

Horry County’s mission is to provide a community environment in which the citizens and visitors of Horry County can enjoy the highest quality of life.

Lowcountry Land Trust

Through research, education, stewardship and training, the North Inlet – Winyah Bay NERR promotes healthy estuaries, watershed preservation, resilient coastal communities, and thriving ecosystems.


Open Space Institute

Pee Dee Land Trust works with private landowners to plan and uphold conservation easements to permanently protect the significant natural, agricultural and historical resources in the Pee Dee Watershed.


South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources

South Carolina Forestry Commission

The Nature Conservancy

NRCS is a federal agency that under the USDA, facilitates Farm Bill Conservation Programs. NRCS partners with private landowners, local and state governments, other federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations to maintain and restore healthy and productive landscapes. Conservation Programs include cost share and easements assist landowners in improving and protecting natural resources.


Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge

Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments

Winyah Rivers Alliance

Our mission is to protect, preserve, monitor and revitalize the health of the lands and waters of the greater Winyah Bay watershed. The Waccamaw Riverkeeper facilitates the collaboration of the UWTF to achieve its mission, goals, and objectives and advocates for land conservation in the watershed.


Winyah Rivers Alliance

P.O. Box 554
Conway, SC 29528
843 .349 .4007

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