The Value of Water

On Monday, we observed World Water Day, celebrating the value of water in our communities and worldwide.

On that day, our 2021 Waccamaw Conference launched…Confluence: The Blue Trail Connection. It’s an exciting month long public education event that includes both virtual and in person activities and runs through Earth Day, April 22nd.

And on March 22nd, World Water Day, we celebrated with our Waterkeeper sisters and brothers, as part of Waterkeeper Alliance, defending the fundamental human right to clean water in the Americas, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa. Check out the video.

We are Clean Water Warriors! This World Water Day, we’re proud to be one of 350+ Waterkeeper groups across 49 countries, protecting clean water and healthy communities.

Now back to the 2021 Waccamaw Conference…the spotlight of Week 1 is on the source of the Waccamaw River Blue Trail. It featured our Waccamaw Riverkeeper, Cara Schildtknecht, live at Lake Waccamaw in Columbus County, NC describing the unique features and natural history of this Carolina Bay. Cara was joined by some of our volunteer water monitors for a live demonstration of our Waccamaw Volunteering Monitoring Program.

Join us on Saturday, March 27th for a cleanup at Lake Waccamaw

It’s not too late to catch up with all of the fun of the 2021 Waccamaw Conference ! Click on the image to the right to see what else we have planned as part of this month long celebration!

Do you value clean water? Click on our logo below to support our education and advocacy work.

Winyah Rivers Alliance

P.O. Box 554
Conway, SC 29528
843 .349 .4007

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Copyright 2024 Winyah Rivers Alliance

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