What makes a Waterkeeper an expert in their watershed? SCIENCE. As the expert for the Waccamaw, your Waccamaw Riverkeeper uses science to protect clean water for all through advocacy and education. Without science, our work would mean nothing. One of the best sources for scientific data on our river is the Waccamaw Watershed Academy’s Waccamaw […]
Our Waccamaw Riverkeeper always gets asked the same question: “Do you swim in the river?” And she always gives the same answer, “YES!” There is a common misconception that the Waccamaw River is dirty. You may see those dark tea-colored waters and think that must be pollution and cannot possibly be safe for swimming. But […]
All Americans deserve the freedom to swim this 4th of July weekend! Waterkeepers in North Carolina found that every water basin in that state failed the safe E. coli criteria to swim at least once during the summer of 2020. In 2021, NC’s favorite swimming spots continue to fail to be safe for the community. […]
P.O. Box 554 Conway, SC 29528 843 .349 .4007 winyahrivers@winyahrivers.org
Copyright 2025 Winyah Rivers Alliance
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