Action required – protect our local river watersheds

As Waterkeepers, the Clean Water Act is the bedrock legislation upon which we rely to protect our local rivers, streams, wetlands and lakes from pollution and keep them safe for fishing, swimming and drinking.

Unfortunately, a new regulation will seriously undermine the provisions of the Clean Water Act, stripping protections from many of our wetlands and seasonally flowing streams. This new definition for which waterways are protected under the Clean Water Act is both illegal and unscientific. It will eliminate many current protections and will not protect our drinking water, our fisheries or our safe recreational use of our local rivers. We have to fight this ruling with everything we have…there is simply too much at stake to do otherwise.

So, your Clean Water Team at Winyah Rivers Alliance is standing with our Waterkeeper brothers and sisters across the nation, calling for everyone who cares about our health, our businesses, and our overall economy to stand against this regulation, which guts the Clean Water Act and puts our rivers and us at risk.

Please join us in telling your Members of Congress to oppose this dangerous erosion of our essential standards to protect water quality and all the benefits of clean water in our local rivers.

Take action now to protect clean water and healthy communities in our local river watersheds…click the image below>>

More details can be found here:

Winyah Rivers Alliance

P.O. Box 554
Conway, SC 29528
843 .349 .4007

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