A message from our Executive Director… Members and friends, With heavy heart, I write to let you know that I am resigning from my position as Executive Director at Winyah Rivers Alliance. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and leave only to pursue an opportunity that will allow my expertise to lend itself to […]
A special holiday remix of the classic poem from your Waccamaw Riverkeeper, Cara Schildtknecht ‘Twas the night before Christmas, all up and down stream, The Waccamaw was calm, a Riverkeeper’s dream. The paddles were hung in the garage with care In hopes that warmer days soon would be there. The gators were nestled all snug […]
Of all the landings on the Waccamaw River, I have probably spent the most time at Peachtree Landing. I have spent a lot of time at the landing with our volunteer water quality monitors of the infamous Team 4. Peachtree is my go-to location for river photography. For a time, it was the landing closest […]
ce a creek or maybe even part of an oxbow on the meandering river. Now it is a winding path through the swamp, perfect for a quiet paddle amongst massive cypress. The seclusion of Pitch Lodge Lake from the mainstem of the Waccamaw means more wildlife and fewer people. Downstream of Conway, Pitch Lodge Lake […]
Up until last month, I had only paddled in North Carolina twice. TWICE. Part of the reason for that is access. There are multiple accesses at Lake Waccamaw, but on the 43 mile North Carolina stretch of the Waccamaw River from the Dam to the state line, there is only one public boat landing at […]
The results are in! Our Bacteria Blitz was a great success. On September 18th, community members throughout the Waccamaw River watershed – from Lake Waccamaw in North Carolina to Pawleys Island in South Carolina – collected water samples. We met our goal and collected 20 samples in the Waccamaw River watershed during the Blitz. Bacteria […]
World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world’s waterways! It highlights the many values of our rivers, strives to increase public awareness, and encourages the improved stewardship of all rivers around the world. Rivers in virtually every country face an array of threats, and only through our active involvement can we ensure their health […]
When I first became the Waccamaw Riverkeeper, I set a goal of paddling the entire river in the first year. That did not happen. I naively underestimated the amount of work it takes to be a Riverkeeper and my time was soon consumed with projects, meetings, and email. River time took a back seat. So, […]
Quiet Swamps and Trashy Beaches Part of my job as your Waccamaw Riverkeeper is patrolling the Waccamaw River watershed. Even when I do not have a particular issue to investigate, I always have my eyes open for any potential threats to the water quality of the river. You may think that this means I spend […]
What makes a Waterkeeper an expert in their watershed? SCIENCE. As the expert for the Waccamaw, your Waccamaw Riverkeeper uses science to protect clean water for all through advocacy and education. Without science, our work would mean nothing. One of the best sources for scientific data on our river is the Waccamaw Watershed Academy’s Waccamaw […]
P.O. Box 554 Conway, SC 29528 843 .349 .4007 winyahrivers@winyahrivers.org
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website design by: THREE RING FOCUS