Each of our Palmetto Giving Day Donors will receive a personalized thank you but, for now, please know that your Clean Water Team at Winyah Rivers Alliance is so grateful for your generous gifts on Palmetto Giving Day, from May 7 through May 8th. We raised over $30,000 to support the work of our Riverkeepers […]
Our volunteers are the heart and soul and the sweat and tears of our organization. All of our volunteers are special and very much appreciated. Here are a few… Board Members Our Board Members serve as volunteers to our organization, ensuring that we meet our commitments as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and our mission. Today, we […]
During this Earth Month 2024, American Rivers announced the 10 most endangered rivers in the nation, including the Little Pee Dee River as #5. Winyah Rivers Alliance and our partners, including The Waccamaw Indian People and Coastal Conservation League, are working together to protect this unique and important river watershed for the benefits it provides […]
At Winyah Rivers Alliance, every day is Earth Day. Every day we take action to educate and engage our communities in environmental stewardship in the greater Winyah Bay watershed and beyond! Of course, Earth Day is special to us so we’re dedicating a whole month to celebrate it! Join your Riverkeepers this month as we […]
The Waccamaw RIVERKEEPER® Program of Winyah Rivers Alliance and our partners, North Inlet – Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and Coastal Carolina University’s Waccamaw Watershed Academy, are pleased to announce the 2024 Waccamaw Week! During the week of World Water Day (Match 22 – March 30), we will celebrate the botanical beauty of the […]
Update: Conway Medical Center asked Horry County Council for a deferment of its rezoning request while it looks for another place to build its hospital. Great news for conservation of the Lewis Ocean Bay Heritage Preserve! It’s definitely worth a visit! Click here to read the article in The Post & Courier>> The 3rd and final […]
A dedicated friend of the Lumber River, Dr. Colin Osborne, III, has written about the Lumber River – Nature’s Sanctuary. Dr. Osborne writes: “At a moment in the nation’s history when many people valued natural resources more for their commercial than for their recreational, ecological, or esthetic values, citizens along the Lumber River joined together […]
In 2023, Winyah Rivers Alliance partnered with 5 Gyres, Inc. and through the TrashBlitz project, we increased community engagement in stewardship for litter prevention and cleanups, amplifying our efforts to protect clean water and engage more volunteers in the collection and documentation of plastic trash impacting our watersheds. Through this project and the data generated, […]
P.O. Box 554 Conway, SC 29528 843 .349 .4007 winyahrivers@winyahrivers.org
Copyright 2025 Winyah Rivers Alliance
website design by: THREE RING FOCUS