On Monday, August 3rd, Hurricane Isaias threatened our communities and our waterways. Before Isaias’ arrival, Waterkeeper Alliance issued a press release, Hog and Poultry Waste Threat in NC Has Gotten Worse Since Hurricane Florence>>. Our Lumber Riverkeeper, Jefferson Currie II, and Waccamaw Riverkeeper, Cara Schildtknecht, are actively monitoring their respective watersheds, along with all of […]
The Waccamaw Riverkeeper is excited to announce that our first-ever Swim Guide results came back ALL GREEN! On July 8th, we sampled three sites on the Waccamaw River in North Carolina for E. coli bacteria and all three sites met the EPA’s recreational water quality criteria. We will continue monitoring at Lake Waccamaw Dam, Babson’s […]
The 5th of July was an important day for our Lumber Riverkeeper and the communities in Robeson County, NC…that was the day that Dominion Energy and Duke Energy announced that they were canceling their plans for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. The ACP, a natural gas (methane) pipeline, was planned to stretch from West Virginia, through […]
As Waterkeepers, we advocate to protect everyone’s right to access clean water. Water, air, wildlife, public lands are part of our collective commons…publicly owned resources that need to be protected for the benefit of all. We believe that: access to clean water is a basic human right all people have a voice in decisions that […]
An application for an air quality permit for AERP’s Black Wood Pellet facility will be discussed at a public hearing hosted by the NC Department of Air Quality on Monday, June 22nd beginning at 6 pm. The Robeson County Coalition for Clean and Green Energy (https://robcocoalition.org>>) is hosting information sessions on Thursday, June 18th at […]
As Riverkeepers, we receive lots of questions about our rivers. For example, we get asked… Why is the river brown? Where does the river start? How clean is the river? What does a Riverkeeper do? How do you test the water? Who can help protect the river? Because we love our jobs and love our […]
WE WANT TO KNOW! What do the Black River and Rocky Point Community Forest mean to you? What types of recreation opportunities would mean the most to you? What are some of the challenges and threats to your enjoyment of the Black River? Would you want to be part of the effort? A survey is […]
ACTION ALERT Protect Conway’s Conservation Areas in the Waccamaw River Watershed CONWAY CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY JUNE 1st at 4:00 pm CITY OF CONWAY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING 1600 NINTH AVENUE IN CONWAY Due to concerns over COVID-19, the City of Conway Council Meeting will be held in an alternate location with special procedures in place. […]
Your Clean Water Team at Winyah Rivers Alliance is so grateful to our community of River lovers for supporting our Riverkeepers and our work to protect fishable, swimmable, drinkable water for our families and our future! Our Palmetto Giving Day Campaign raised over $19,000 online over 36 hours on May 5-6! We are grateful to […]
As Waterkeepers, the Clean Water Act is the bedrock legislation upon which we rely to protect our local rivers, streams, wetlands and lakes from pollution and keep them safe for fishing, swimming and drinking. Unfortunately, a new regulation will seriously undermine the provisions of the Clean Water Act, stripping protections from many of our wetlands […]
P.O. Box 554 Conway, SC 29528 843 .349 .4007 winyahrivers@winyahrivers.org
Copyright 2025 Winyah Rivers Alliance
website design by: THREE RING FOCUS