Just a couple of weeks away, our River Celebration event is happening! Sunday, September 29th, at 4 pm! Great location…we’ll be gathering at Larry Paul’s private estate and enjoy his pond house! Great activities…kayaking on the pond and beach games, thanks to Black River Outdoors! Great food…home cooking with an international flair from Shine Cafe; […]
It’s that time of year again! It is time for fall cleanups season! September is World Cleanup Month and World Cleanup Day is September 21! In cooperation with these events, we are hosting our fall Cleanup Our Local Waterways Initiative during the entire month of September. Our Adopters with the Waccamaw RIVERKEEPER® Adopt-a-Landing program have scheduled cleanups throughout the month of September and invite you to […]
On Tuesday September 3rd, Horry County Council will have public hearings on two issues that have the potential to impact areas identified as Scenic & Conservation in the Horry County Comprehensive Plan. We’re asking Horry County citizens to: Speak up E-mail your comments to Horry County Council: countycouncil@horrycounty.org Call or e-mail your County Council representative directly: […]
Supporting our Riverkeepers and fishable, swimmable, drinkable water We’re all “riverkeepers’ because we love and protect our local rivers. And on Sunday, September 29th you’re invited to a River Celebration event! Food, live music, raffles, a live auction and fun activities on the water! Tickets are $40pp ($35pp for our members), available at www.winyahrivers.org. Our […]
New name…new logo…new tee shirt! We recently adopted a new logo which will appear on our new line of tee shirts. We are inviting all who embrace our mission of clean water to submit a design image for the back of our new tee shirts. Official Contest Rules I have read the OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES […]
On July 17th, 2019, the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) held a public hearing in Wilmington, NC to solicit comments concerning Piedmont Natural Gas’ (PNG) application for a general rate increase. Winyah Rivers Alliance’s Lumber Riverkeeper, Jefferson Currie, attended the 7pm quasi-judicial hearing, advocating for ratepayers and members in our watersheds, and asked the NCUC […]
Ask SC Legislators to Support Full Funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Established by Congress in 1964, the Land and Water Conservation Fund was created to fulfill a bipartisan commitment to protect natural areas, water resources and cultural heritage, and to provide recreation opportunities. The LWCF has provided funding to help protect some […]
RIVER CELEBRATION Sunday, September 29th – celebrate World Rivers Day with us! This year’s River Celebration will be bigger and better than ever! Purchase tickets here. Advance tickets are required. Thanks to our site sponsor, Larry Paul, our River Celebration event will take place at a private estate adjacent to the Waccamaw River off of Peachtree […]
We will remember this year for an ending…the end of coal ash at the former Grainger generating station polluting our water and threatening our communities. In May, Santee Cooper announced that the last truckload of coal ash was hauled from the site. Our journey started years before, working with our partners and the community to […]
Attend the Horry County Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday, July 11th at 5:30 pm (Horry County Administration Building, 1301 Second Avenue in Conway). Before the hearing, send your comments to Horry County Senior Planner, Jonathan Suggs, by email Suggs.Jonathan@Horrycounty.org Before the hearing, call the members of the Planning Commission and ask them to vote against […]
P.O. Box 554 Conway, SC 29528 843 .349 .4007 winyahrivers@winyahrivers.org
Copyright 2025 Winyah Rivers Alliance
website design by: THREE RING FOCUS